Umbilical cord blood storage
Sabtu, 29 November 2008 | Labels: Kesehatan | |Nowadays, the umbilical cord blood transplantation has become a new alternative for world health. Umbilical cord blood is rich in cells haematopoietik parent, which is the source of the blood and immune system and potentially establish a network nervous, skin, bone, heart, etc. endoktrin organs Blood cells can be used to treat your baby, and siblings and their parents.
Cordlife is the only umbilical cord blood bank at the first get permission from the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Cordlife Indonesia has started to operate since 2003. By cooperating with Kalbe Farma and officially launched with the name of PT. Cordlife Indonesia pada bulan September 2006. Cordlife Indonesia in September 2006.
Below is a disease that can be cured with umbilical cord blood to this:
Cancer (Has fiercier)
1. Lymphocytic acute leukemia
2. Myelocytic acute leukemia
3. Lymphocytic leukemia chronicles
4. Neuroblastoma
5. Multiple Myeloma
6. Myelodysplastic syndrome
1. Talasemia
2. Günther disease
3. Hurler syndrome
4. Hunter syndrome
5. Type I Diabetes
6. Fanconi Anemia, etc.
Benefits Blood Center Ropes
Taking Blood Center Ropes: When childbirth, is not pain-free and risk to mother and child. Pengambilan Sumsum Tulang: Taking Bone marrow: Extraction more than once under general anesthesia.
Briefly, the availability of Blood Center: Always available when needed. The availability of bone marrow: Must find a donor first.
Stem cell blood String Center: More young and primitive, the risk of graft-vs.-host disease (GvHD) low. The availability of bone marrow: No, the higher the risk of GvHD.
String matching HLA Blood Center: Can you tolerate 1-2 incompatibility HLA, sometimes even up to 3The availability of bone marrow: Must be the perfect match (6 HLA) from the donor and resipien.
The process of umbilical cord blood, namely:
1. Produce very easy, no pain and faster
2. Umbilical cord blood will be taken by doctors at the time of birth
3. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord clamp (dujepit). Then the doctors will soon shed the blood of umbilical cord blood into the bag sterile disposable.
4. Cordlife representatives will take the umbilical cord blood in the 24 hours since the time of birth.
5. Maternal blood will be taken within 48 hours before or after birth to test against disease infections.