To prevent & Blues Baby Syndrome

Sabtu, 29 November 2008 | Labels: | |

Baby blues syndrome is a phenomenon that many found in everyday life in the community.Is ANGEL blues syndrome that? That is a postpartum blues = maternity blues, which can be defined conditions experienced mild depression after the birth mother.
How signs experienced?
Mood unstable, easily angry / sad, often suddenly and specifically water eyes, I feel less of the children, usually occurs 3 to 4 days after birth. Baby blues syndrome can be caused by several factors, hormonal factors are, the less understanding of the process of pregnancy and childbirth, and can also be caused by the mother received less support from the surrounding environment.
Here are some things that are the basis of a person may have what is called the Baby Blues:
1. Had experienced depression before
PMS often (premenstrual syndrome), which is quite severe.
2. Have a problematic marriage
Do not have friends / family who support / help.
3. Having problems during pregnancy and the birth process.
4. Had experienced psychological disturbances
Other factors.
5. No breastfeeding breastfeeding.
6. Smoking
7. Lack of confidence.
8. Easy to panic.
9. Experiencing high stress in his life.
10. Babies that are too difficult.
11. Single parent.
12. Low socioeconomic status.
13. Pregnancy is not planned.
There are a few tips that do good for the mother who wants to tercegah from Baby Blues in them: menyempatkan themselves to rest, eat healthy food, looking for help / suggestions from the experts more, delegasikan some tasks, tenangkan themselves, do not need to be supermom, search contacts that can be asked with the same case, consult with the psychologist / psychiatrist.
Support husband is also necessary to talk and listen to invite the complaint kesahnya,'re not, let it rest, show your support for various household tasks / managing children, prepare food for healthy, do not force to complete its duties, be patient and remind him that he has many positive quality.