global bali crisis
Sabtu, 22 November 2008 | Labels: travel | |
Pasadena, FRIDAY - Visiting tourists from 10 countries the main market of tourism to Bali Island of God anjlok global crisis. This is evident from the cancellation of booking hotel rooms since last month until the turn of this year reached 40 percent. Local government and local tourism among the actors concerned, the condition of tourism in the island throughout 2009 will be bleak.
Head of the Office of the Bali Tourism I Gede Nurjaya opening of the exhibition in the tourism island of Kalimantan, Borneo Extravaganza 2008 at Midrand, naughty, Bali, Friday (21/11) revealed, 10 countries are Japan, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, English, France, the United States, and Italy. During this, tourist arrival countries that contribute more than 30 percent of all foreign tourists to Bali. Total asal negara yang datang ke Bali tercatat 184 negara. Total country to come to Bali, which recorded 184 countries.
This condition is worrisome, because Bali had experienced adverse events due anjloknya tourists pascapeledakan bomb in 2002 and 2005.”The crisis has seen the global impact directly, including in Bali, as well as the impact that occurred in a number of countries and other regions in Indonesia, especially in other sectors," said Nurjaya.
Nurjaya reveal, the number of foreign tourists visit (Wisman) until last October had reached 1.6 million people or around 23 percent rise compared to the same period the previous year.. However, due to the impact of global crisis, feared that growth will increasingly target and bring down 1.9 Wisman difficult to achieve. Moreover, in these months are the quiet tourists.
Source : kompas